Thursday, July 17, 2014

More Random Thoughts and Such

I started this blog with the intention of making it about music. It seems to be taking a different form than I expected though. I kinda feel as though lately its more a place for a regular Joe type of musician to just share my thoughts and musical experiences and even personal struggles with life in general. I'd like to somehow make the world a better place but I think a lot of us share that desire. We just don't quite know how to do it yet. Well, I kinda do but it takes everyone's participation and I haven't figured that part out yet lol.

A lot of us out here know this system we live in sucks, but we don't know how to change it. We are currently being "ruled over" by some "not so nice" people who have taken it upon themselves that "they are a superior beings or bloodlines and know what's best for everyone". And yet we (sometimes literally) worship the various stooges they provide us with for "entertainment". Most of those people are greedy psychopaths unfortunately. They have no conscience about what bad things they might do to other people by their own actions. I honestly don't think there's a single person that could be specifically pointed out that's running things in the way most people think of in conspiracy mode. I'm guilty myself. I was once positive that pope blah blah blah was DEFINITELY the Anti-Christ himself, here to rule the world as Satan. Whatever ...... I kinda don't give a fuck about it anymore in a way. I'm not too hopeful about "the system" ever being anything good for people in the long run. I definitely believe there ARE some pretty bad conspiracies happening all the time. Some very famous one's, Like the Kennedy brothers being murdered (even on film) back in the 60's when everything seemed to "change" back then too .... only different. I could get very deep into a lot of those things. The world works in ways that sometimes you think you have about figured out how it all works and then BAM! something else hits you. You're in too deep at this point of the game too. You know too much to ever forget it all. Nothing has or will ever be the way it was 20 or so years ago. Not for me personally.

I've found out the hard way about how some of our great social security program works ... or doesn't work worth a damn for the people that deal with them. The Whole Damn Thing Is A Sham!
They love the people to "go out into the world and prosper" but " you need to pay these taxes while your making that paycheck. We'll only take a little." And its "for retirement or if you become disabled" its Social Security and everyone has to pay in. That's how the system works after all. You know. The rules and all ...

I went out "to prosper" like every other slave in the country and made a living for myself. I started in the construction field, mostly building houses but also done some concrete work and brick/block laying etc, along the way. I eventually ended up in a machine shop. Not exactly any ordinary machine shop in the sense a person might think. We did a lot of contract type work but did occasionally take in off the street customers. There was not very many who came around but we had a few that came semi regular. Anyway, back to the shop and what we did. We specialized in rebuilding machinery for the fastener industry. Mostly machines that made bolts and nuts and rivets etc. We even made a machine one time from blue prints that poked little tiny holes into an aluminum hub that fits the end of a syringe. I think it ran around 400-600 per minute too! I learned a zillion things from my experiences. We even worked on the road sometimes repairing things for customers "in house".  I've made crankshafts and camshafts, specialty bolts and nuts, Welded several types of tool steel including some stainless and aluminum. I've done hard facing on parts and have used a few gouging rods in my day too. I can weld cast iron pretty well most of the time too. There are tricks to certain things. Tricks you sometimes even develop yourself. I done all of that for over twenty years straight of my life. Same building/property under three or four different names. My father owned it himself for most of those years. Although we all shared duties running it. Eventually, after the usual 5 years of tax write off is over with it comes time to do away with, or move the company and start in a new name. That's how the millionaires do it anyway. Sure enough the time came to end the shop I had honed my teeth on all that different machinery.

I managed to acquire a lot of things of my own over the years. A lot of tools and things like welders at home etc. Its nice to be able to repair something if you can at home when you can and where we live (out of town). I am able to do a few things. Its very hard on me sometimes though and sometimes it takes a day or two before I want to get back in my shop again. While the company was moving and selling and scrapping things I took advantage and bought myself a milling machine and a lathe and a band saw and a press a few various things I'm sure I'm forgetting. Lately, with nothing else to do I decided (I guess) that I'd do the night shift and clean up my shop. I've got a lot of stuff in there that's either junk or needs to find a new place to be. Even its its not here and ends up somewhere else. I have been known to sell things I doubted I'd even need again. I may even sell my chainsaw in a yard sale soon. I can't use it anymore. But anyway, I'm slowly getting my shop back in order and its starting to look good in there for a change. And I'm probably only halfway done with what I intend to do with it. Its looking like I'm going to have to try and find some work for myself and that machinery I have. They recently turned down my federal appeal for disability. I just don't understand how they can say, with a straight face at that, that I am not disabled.

They know they got me right where they want me to be. Just like every slave out there busting their ass for a measly living. It doesn't really even matter how much money you make in the broad scheme of things. Just as long ass your ass is making a paycheck and they're getting a cut of it. Good luck getting any of that shit back though. They've pretty well got it figured out that by the time you get to the age it takes to actually draw social security, if you live long enough, you probably aren't going to live very much longer. So where did all that leftover money go? Imagine how many people that have died before collecting benefits at all. Where did that money go? Why are they giving all these social services benefits to illegal aliens? Why are so many perfectly capable of working a job getting disability benefits? I don't get it.

Its late again and I need to sign off. I'll pick this subject up again when I come back. I'm not near done with any of this yet. I might even get fancy and throw in a few hyper links in the next post.

As always .... Peace, Love, and Music

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